mandag 3. oktober 2016

It is about an important part of the package

I have often heard Christians say that they feel uncomfortable when we speak about anointing. Normally it is because they have not spent much time reflecting on the subject. Many think that it is a special ‘emotion’ or ‘experience’.

Anointing is one of the attributes of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, anointing has nothing to do with my emotions but all to do with me giving him permission to access my life. Likewise, the human Jesus had a free will and chose to give the Holy Spirit access to His life. This is made very in his statement when he started his mission:
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Luke 4:18-19
Since Jesus was depending on the Spirit’s anointing over his life, I regard it as a ‘must’ for me. Anointing is not something I can hide under the “not applicable”-label – it is a prerequisite for true life.

Spiritual growth is about the desire “to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ” (1). Many of David’s psalms point to Messiah. Yesterday I quoted psalm 133, and mentioned the oil on the Aron’s head, running through the beard and down on his robe.

I believe Jesus is our high priest (2). I believe Jesus is anointed. I believe Jesus is the head of which body I am a part. Therefore, I believe that the logical consequence is that the oil from the head of high priest runs all the way down over me. I cannot avoid it!

When I read about revivals, I recognize the same characteristics and qualities as those of the oil, which have also been the focus of the reflections lately. That is why I believe that anointing is needed if I seriously mean what I pray in the Lord’s prayer: “Your Kingdom come!” (3).

Christian activity without the anointing is in its best version able to protect the interests of those who already believe and “socialize” them into continued faith, but it may be like walking in the desert. Anointing is part of holiness. It cannot be opted out. If I still do, I will destroy the whole package.

‘Manna’ for today:
Anointing is part of holiness
(1) Eph 4:15
(2) Hebr 4:14-16
(3) Matt 6:10

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